
Monday, February 22, 2010

Content of compounds that are beneficial to health in the tea

Vitamin (Tea contains a small amount of vitamins)

Vitamin B1 (Thiamin):
Thiamin helps to build energy by converting energy from food. It is also needed for growth and reproduction. Further, it promotes better appetite and digestion.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin):
Riboflavin is used for maintenance of healthy skin, eyes, and nerves. It also is an essential vitamin for proteins and energy metabolism.

Vitamin B6:
This vitamin helps to release energy from food and enhances the metabolism of proteins. It also helps the red blood cells formation and is an important compound in the regulation of the central nervous system.

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid):
This vitamin helps to heal wounds and mend fractures. It also fights some common types of virus and bacterial infections.

Vitamin K:
This to helps build bone metabolism and is essential for preventing blood clotting.

Carotene (precursor of vitamin A):
Carotene is converted to vitamin A upon digestion. Vitamin A promotes good eyesight and healthy skin.

Folic Acid:
This acid is essential for the red blood cell formation and gene formation.

Minerals (Tea is a rich source for minerals)

It is vital for growth and the body’s development

It is essential for maintaining normal fluid level and a normal heart rhythm.

Zinc is essential for the development of the reproduction organs and protein synthesis. It also helps in wound healing.

As you might know, Fluorine protects the teeth and strengthens the bones.

Polyphenols (Tea is a rich source for antioxidants)

Flavonoids and catechins are groups of polyphenolic compounds. They help fight against cancer-causing radicals and heart disease.


kk said...

I have heard from some old folks that washing our eyes with overnight tea is beneficial. Is there any test or prove of this?

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